Welcome to your range of easy SEND filing systems and solutions, designed to take the frustration out of your journey, help you to avoid reapeating yourself and allow you to find important information quickly.
Are You Confused by Your Child’s SEND Information?
Special Needs Community CIC was set up from the Harrow Parent Carer Forum and has been supporting parents for nearly 4 years. This is one of the major projects we have been working on for a few years in response to parents’ feedback. My SEND File (formerly My Special Needs File), starts with a paper-based filing system for beginners and families or professionals new to the world of SEND to help them understand and navigate their way around various departments.
We provide practical support to help you get organised and stay organised. We enable each individual parent by helping to compile, organise and design their SEND related information into an easy and useful filing system that they can easily access. The file can be presented at important meetings with key professionals and agencies. It will provide all the necessary information on the child/young person, which can be taken to any appointments. The contents will include, what the child/young person’s special need is, the impact it has, their likes, dislikes, allergies, concerns, and what to be aware of.
It will take the stress and frustration out of your very busy complicated SEND journey.
We will help you:
- Create the ‘All About Me Form’
- Understand the local SEND departments (Education, Health & Social Care)?
- Find out about your legal rights and understanding SEND law.
- What information do you need for your child’s EHC/SEN Support/Individual Learning Plan?
- What local and national advice and support are available for your child and family?
We can help you create a filing system that you can edit easily as your child grows up and develop. You can choose the design of the file and have it tailored to your child’s age. We can help you compile the most appropriate and useful content for you and your family. We now off a digital version of your file to help you adapt the information as your child grows up. We welcome ideas and suggestions as to further changes we can make to the master file to ensure it truly provides overall information that represents the individual child or young person.
The files cost only £25.00 each, plus postage and packing. The charge is a contribution to the total cost of producing the printed copies of the individual file sections for each child, including printed inserts, dividers and plastic holders, useful information booklets, and leaflets. The cost of the files also contributes to the ongoing costs of the project to allow us to continue to develop it and tailor it for the needs of families. We provide 1-hour FREE one-to-one support from one of our Parent Champions to find out what you need in your file, understand the information you have about your child/young person, and how to use it at meetings with key professionals and agencies. (We provide a free file to those on very low income and certain benefits-please ask if you qualify). The project is made possible thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund as part of our ‘EMPOWERING SEND PARENT CARERS’ Project. The file is FREE to parents/young people living in Harrow. Only one FREE file allowed per family, Replacement files need to be paid for.
The files are designed to support individual children or young person, if an organisation or educational setting (childcare provider, pre-school or school, college) would like to discuss producing a filing system to help support their pupils, please send us an email with your enquiry. We would be happy to help create a bespoke system and provide ongoing support.
Developed by the
University of East London’s (UEL) research department,
Rix Research & Media Centre
We have also discovered the work of the UEL, who has gone one step further and developed the best multimedia SEND filing and person-centred system for your child we have ever come across. We believe this is going to change your life and make a difference with how much time you spend frustratingly repeating yourself by describing your child’s needs and justifying why they need specialist provision. The Rix Multi-Me Toolkit has been specifically designed with families in mind. Don’t just take our word for it, test it out for yourself and ask for a free 1-month trial. Contact us HERE